Despite being so rich in natural and human resources Pakistan is one of the poor and corrupted in the world. The rich persons of Pakistan are getting richer while on the other hand the poor population is getting poorer, even some of it doesn’t have food and homes to survive. The main reason behind this phenomenon is unequal distributions of wealth and resources in the society. According to a research report, Pakistan ’s 90% wealth is in the hand of 10% population while rest of 90% people has only 10% of total wealth. This difference affects living standard of population and results unemployment, lack of education, price hike of necessary commodities etc.
The question arises, how is it possible to minimize the difference between poor and rich? It is possible only in such a way that wealth is equally distributed among society. Then poor population will be able to have enough opportunities to survive in society like Pakistan and various obstacles in development of economy will automatically be removed.
Taking aside the modern thoughts if we consider the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).it solves the entire problem that we are facing right now. Islam being the religion of peace and humanity has solution of every issue. At the time of Prophet (peace be upon him) some of rich companions and believers had thousands of laden camels for a single trade trip.Hazrat Usman was one of them. An issue rose about limits of wealth, when the holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was enquired about it, he replied that a believer is not allowed to keep more than twenty thousand (20000) dirham with him. In case of luxuries, believer was not allowed to construct extra one room of their needs. Even Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) him self lived a simple and ideal life. Same in case of cultivation of land and property. Zakat and usher was implemented and justice to innocent and punishment to guilty was vital rule. Rulers were summoned to court by Qazi and justice was free for every one. So, if we apply those Islamic rules in society which have been proven beneficial for everyone, no one can stop us to achieve the success and dignified destination in the world.
I would like to present following some suggestion to tackle out such obstacles from Pakistan in order to set Pakistan in the race of developed countries.
1. Limits should be set for wealth collection and the excess wealth should be forfeit by government and be utilized in the Pakistan ’s welfare projects.
2. A four roomed house should be allowed to every family so the homeless and poor people may have easy access to accommodation. If a person has more than one house or a house which don’t fulfill given condition, the house should be forfeit and be kept as state property.
3. Property and land should be allotted to those people who are willing to use it only for cultivation on lease basis.
4. Tax rates should be high for luxuries so that uniformity is created in living standard.
5. Education should be free and same for all and education policies should be made according to the needs and requirements of modern era.
6. Services of economists, experts and analyzers should be taken to run state government. Arrangements should be made in selection of government body and this process should be clear and transparent, checked and balanced.

I request the chief justice of Pakistan to take immediate action in this regard to kick out problems of citizen or in other words to prove Pakistan true “Islamic republic”