Pakistan is facing very critical scenario. The problems of scarcity of resources and unfair usage of available resources are increasing day by day. Today we totally depend on machines. We use automobiles and other transportation which do not only cause different problems but it creates pollution which causes various diseases.

Bicycle is one of the great inventions. It was first time introduced in 19
th century and today more than one billion bicycles are being used all over the world, which is twice as many as automobiles. Bicycle is recreation as well as a good source of transportation.
Pakistan is one of a country which imports bicycle from
China and other countries. But due to lack of parking facilities and considering bicycle as a sign of inferiority public is discouraged in using it. Today most of middle class Pakistani use bicycle for commuting and transportation but they face parking problems especially in government-offices and public places. In foreign countries special lanes are constructed for bicycle riders and if a car driver breaks the law or cross the cycle rout or lane then he is challaned by traffic wardens. Special allowance is provided to employees and students who use bicycle. In many other countries bicycle is provided on rent and in some countries it is given free for one hour. Our government should lend loans for provision of bicycle of standard rates and quality, without interest and should undertake a campaign for awareness regarding usage of bicycle. Then by using bicycle the citizens will be attracted toward saving and the problems of pollution and burden of high petroleum expenses will be decreased.