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Saturday, March 5, 2011

International Women's Day

China which is now on the top in the category of developed countries, which is the biggest producer of electronics, cloths and ammunitions and considered to be the next super power of the world, would have not been so developed if their leaders had not scarified their lives for the people. The Chinese leader Mochihashi brought revolution in China which has completely changed the picture of China. Before the revolution of Taiypeng China was like the Arab before the advent of Islam in the days of ignorance
            An interesting aspect of Taiypeng movement was getting ride of capitalisms, feudalism, and inequality between pubic and rulers and women’s rights. Women were treated like cattle and were thrown in to the rivers at birth or were fasten like prisoners. Approximately one lac women participated in Taiypeng movement which includes some generals. This Chinese aspect shows that the Chinese leaders were greatly impressed by Islam, which was brought by Abu Waqas a disciple of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). Now because of Islam Chinese women are given the right of being a human being and are working in different fields of life.
            Taiypeng movement was one of hundreds movements which has ruled China for a long time. The founder and organizer of this movement was a school teacher Mr.Heng Shew Choan who was dismissed by a lavish emperor. Then he motivated the people by numbers of articles against Confucianism and entrusted the public to give them back their rights on their state affairs. Majority of people in China do not believe in any faith however they have realized the others right and duties. 
            8th March is observed as International Women’s Day all over the world but the claims are confined to the emotional speeches only. The man made laws are considered laws when they are followed without the difference of cast, status and standard. On this special occasion of 8th March Government should draw its little attention toward women’s rights. Women are suffering from different evils of society. The declaration of Haqooq-e-Naswan (women’s rights) is not enough to realize the duties but the implementation is necessary to get the desirable results.

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